Fraggle Rock (Season 2)

Fraggle Rock season 2

Series: Fraggle Rock
Season: Season 2
Original Release Date: PENDING
Start Time: TBA ET
TV Channel: Apple TV+
Episode Runtime: Approx. N/A
Genres: Family
Parental Rating: TV-G
Region: United States

Fraggle Rock is a family TV show produced by The Jim Henson Company. The series stars John Tartaglia, Karen Prell and Donna Kimball. Fraggle Rock first aired on Apple TV+ on January 20, 2022. So far, there have been one seasons. The series currently has a 8.1 out of 10 IMDb rating based on 392 user votes.

Release date

Apple TV+ did not officially renew Fraggle Rock for the second season yet. The release date for Fraggle Rock season 2 has not been announced.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the series has been canceled. We will update this page as soon as there are any new announcements. The show may be on a break, and the next season has yet to be be announced or scheduled. If you want to get notified of the season 2 premiere, please sign up for updates below, and join the conversation in our forums.

TV Series Plot

It follows the adventures of a group of cave-dwelling puppet creatures called Fraggles. – Summary from IMDb

You may also visit Fraggle Rock’s official website, IMDb page, and trailers on YouTube for more information.

Parental Rating

Fraggle Rock is rated TV-G, which means this is suitable for all ages. It contains little or no violence, no strong language, and little or no sexual dialogue or situations.

Tap below to check availability and watch previous episodes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Was Fraggle Rock cancelled?
No, Fraggle Rock has not been cancelled.

How many seasons of are there?
As of today, Fraggle Rock had 1 seasons.

When was the show originally released?
Fraggle Rock originally came out on Thursday, January 20, 2022.

What time does Fraggle Rock come on?
Fraggle Rock airs TBA ET / TBA PT on Apple TV+.

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Fraggle Rock poster

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Derek Knightly
Derek Knightly
Co-creator of the website Tonights.TV. Who lives and breathes the world of movies and television.


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